Title | 聴取結果書; 福島県の対応等について(荒竹 宏之; 福島県生活環境部長) |
Publisher | Cabinet Office |
Issued date | 2012-02-10 |
Language | jpn |
Page | 24p. |
Type | hearing |
File Format | PDF |
Taxonomy | 1-2-3-4 Local municipality |
Taxonomy | 4-2-2-2 Among involved organizations and responders |
Taxonomy | 4-2-3-2 Evacuation of population |
Taxonomy | 4-2-3-3 Sheltering |
Taxonomy | 1-2-4 Coordination and command |
Taxonomy | 4-2-3-4 Iodine thyroid blocking |
Taxonomy | 4-2-3-6 Access restrictions |
Taxonomy | 4-6-1 Reconstruction |
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned) | 1-2-3 Response organization 4-2-2 Communication 4-2-3 Protective actions 1-2 Organization and authorities 4-6 Emergency and response analysis |
Subject/Session_name | 福島第一原子力発電所, 原子炉事故, 周辺地域, 通信, 電話, 携帯電話, 緊急避難, 経路指示, 道路輸送, 車両, 医療職員, 治療, 行政手続き, 決定と命令, スクリーニング, モニタリング, 値, 病院, 医療施設, 患者, 緊急避難, 放射性物質, 拡散, シミュレーション, SPEEDI, 放射線防護, 放射線防護剤, ヨウ素, |
Information source | Go to the saved web page |
Upper page title | 政府事故調査委員会ヒアリング記録 |
Related sites |
URI | https://f-archive.jaea.go.jp/dspace/handle/faa/123732 |
collect date(WARP) | 2017-04-01 |