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TitleResults of the public opinion surveys about nuclear energy
Alternative title原子力に関する世論調査(2006~2017 年度実施)の結果と考察
AuthorIimoto, Takeshi(Univ. of Tokyo)
AuthorSakai, Noriaki(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
AuthorNagata, Natsuki(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
AuthorKawasaki, Yumiko(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
AuthorFunakoshi,Makoto(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
Author Endo, Hironori(Okachimachitaito-junior high school)
AuthorTakashima, Ryuta(Tokyo Univ. of Science)
AuthorKimura, Hiroshi(Public Outreach NPO)
AuthorKawakami, Kazuhisa(International Univ. of Health and Welfare)
Issued date2018-06-29
File FormatTEXT (paper-based)
Taxonomy6-4-9 Public communication
Taxonomy6-4-5 Social effects
Taxonomy6-3 Health consequences
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-4 Social and economic consequences   6. Accident Consequences   
Subject/Session_nameSession:Poster Session
Information sourceGo to literature copy application
Meeting title51th Annual Meeting of Japan Health Physics Society
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collect date(WARP)2019-07-15