内容記述 | Design, planning and control of debris-related processes, namely retrieval, storage management, processing and disposal of the debris, are required for the safe and steady decommissioning of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (1F). Status inside primary containment vessel of 1F must be known by the PCV investigation and fuel debris sample analysis. Continuous updating and improvement of the process design are important through ascertainment of the cause of the accident. The roadmap for the 1F decommissioning have shown the milestone of commencement of trial retrieval of fuels debris within 2021, which indicates the analysis of fuel debris sample begin in earnest. This report recommends required debris analysis in relation with issues for the retrieval, storage management, processing and disposal, and ascertainment of the cause of the 1F accident. Practical analysis plan is expected to be prepared based on this report. |