タイトル | 福島第一原子力発電所事故における放射性物質の大気放出及び拡散過程,2; ソースターム検証と領域規模大気拡散解析 |
翻訳タイトル | Atmospheric discharge and dispersion of radionuclides during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident, 2; Verification of the source term and analysis of regional-scale atmospheric dispersion |
情報提供機関 | Elsevier |
著者 | 寺田 宏明 |
著者 | 堅田 元喜 |
著者 | 茅野 政道 |
著者 | 永井 晴康 |
掲載日 | 2012-10 |
言語 | eng |
ページ数 | 141p.-154p. |
種別 | report |
内容記述 | Regional-scale atmospheric dispersion simulations were carried out to verify source term of 131I and 137Cs estimated by our previous studies and analyze the atmospheric dispersion during the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident with measurements of daily and monthly surface depositions over land in Eastern Japan from March 12 to April 30, 2011. The prediction accuracy of daily surface deposition by using the refined source term was mostly within a factor of 10 without apparent biases. Therefore, the estimated source term is reasonable during the period when the plume flowed over land in Japan. The analysis of regional-scale atmospheric dispersion suggested that the distribution of a large amount of 137Cs deposition was produced mainly on March 12, 15-16, 20, and 21-23. The ratio of wet deposition to total one varied in wide range depending on the degree of influence by each event. |
情報源 | JOPSS 関連URL 関連URL |
関連するサイト |
URI | https://f-archive.jaea.go.jp/dspace/handle/faa/211515 |