このページの閲覧数 | : | 44 |
タイトル | 放射能汚染の空間的変動と行動パターンの集団間での違いを考慮した外部被ばく線量の確率論的評価手法 |
翻訳タイトル | A Probabilistic Approach to Assess External Doses to the Public Considering Spatial Variability of Radioactive Contamination and Interpopulation Differences in Behavior Pattern |
情報提供機関 | John Wiley & Sons |
著者 | 高原 省五 |
著者 | 飯島 正史 |
著者 | 米田 稔 |
著者 | 島田 洋子 |
掲載日 | 2019-01 |
言語 | eng |
ページ数 | 212p.-224p. |
種別 | report |
内容記述 | A dose assessment model was developed based on measurements and surveys of individual doses and relevant contributors in Fukushima City for four population groups: Fukushima City Office staff, Senior Citizens' Club, Contractors' Association, and AgriculturalCooperative. In addition, probabilistic assessments were performed for these population groups by considering the spatial variability of contamination and interpopulation differencesresulting from behavior patterns. As a result of comparison with the actual measurements, the assessment results for participants from the Fukushima City Office, Senior Citizens' Club and the Agricultural Cooperative agreed with the measured values. By contrast, the measurements obtained for the participants from the Contractors' Association were not reproduced well in the present study. To assess the doses to this group, further investigations of association members' work activities and the related dose reduction effects are needed. |
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