検索結果一覧: 1-5 / 5
(Attachment 1-9) Estimation of causes of high contamination of RCW piping at Unit-1
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: The 5th Progress Report on the Investigation and Examination of Unconfirmed and Unresolved Issues on the Development Mechanism of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident)
情報提供機関: 東京電力
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-12-25
[Submerged] Inside of Heat Exchanger Building(RHRC pump (C) at 1st floor of Heat Exchanger Building, Unit 4) ; Situation after the disaster(3/13) [pictured on March 13, 2011]
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Site Photographs of Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2011-09-06
[Submerged] Inside of Heat Exchanger Building(RHRC pump (C) at 1st floor of Heat Exchanger Building, Unit 4) ; Current situation(8/26) [pictured on August 26, 2011]
[Submerged] Inside of Heat Exchanger Building (Stairs between 1st floor and B1 of Heat Exchanger Building, Unit3) ; Situation after the disaster(3/16) [pictured on March 16, 2011]
[Submerged] Inside of Heat Exchanger Building (Stairs between 1st floor and B1 of Heat Exchanger Building, Unit3) ; Current situation(8/29) [pictured on August 29, 2011]