検索結果一覧: 1-20 / 28
FY2017 Radioactive material monitoring in the water environment in and around Fukushima Prefecture 2. Results of each prefecture (FY2017 Iwate Prefecture survey results)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2017 Radioactive material monitoring surveys of the water environment)
情報提供機関: 環境省
掲載日/会議開催日: 2018-04-01
FY2016 Radioactive material monitoring in the water environment in and around Fukushima Prefecture 2. Results of each prefecture (FY2016 Iwate Prefecture survey results)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2016 Radioactive material monitoring surveys of the water environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-04-01
FY2015 Radioactive material monitoring in the water environment in and around Fukushima Prefecture 2. Results of each prefecture (FY2015 Iwate Prefecture survey results)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2015 Radioactive material monitoring surveys of the water environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2016-04-01
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: 第3回環境放射能除染研究発表会 [The 3rd Workshop of Remediation of Radioactive Contamination in Environment])
著者: 照井 儀明 (岩手県・総務部総務室); 武山 進一 ((独)岩手県工業技術センター); 遠藤 治之 ((独)岩手県工業技術センター)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-07-03
FY2013 Radioactive material monitoring in the water environment in and around Fukushima Prefecture 2. Results of each prefecture (FY2013 Iwate Prefecture survey results)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2013 Radioactive material monitoring surveys of the water environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-04-01
Monitoring of air dose rates
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: News Release)
情報提供機関: Nuclear Regulation Authority
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-03-11
(Announcement) The results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [February Samples] February 3-7, 2014; Survey]
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Radioactive Material Monitoring Surveys of the Water Environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-03-07
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [November Samples] [January 16, 2014]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-01-16
FY2014 Iwate Prefecture survey results
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2014 Radioactive Material Monitoring Surveys of the Water Environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014
FY2014 Iwate Prefecture survey results (excel)
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [July-August Samples] [October 11, 2013]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-10-11
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [May-June Samples] [August 9, 2013]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-08-09
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: 日本地球惑星科学連合2013年[Japan Geoscience Union Meeting 2013])
著者: 伊藤 英之(岩手県立大学)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-05-21
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [February-March Samples] [April 26, 2013]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-04-26
FY2012 Iwate Prefecture survey results
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2012 Radioactive Material Monitoring Surveys of the Water Environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-04-01
FY2012 Iwate Prefecture survey results (excel)
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [November-December Samples] [March 1, 2013]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-03-01
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [September Samples] [November 9, 2012]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2012-11-09
(News Release) The Results of radioactive material monitoring of the surface water bodies within Iwate Prefecture [June Samples] [August 24, 2012]
掲載日/会議開催日: 2012-08-24
FY2011 Iwate Prefecture survey results
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: FY2011 Radioactive Material Monitoring Surveys of the Water Environment)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2012-04-01