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燃料デブリ取り出し時における炉内状況把握のための遠隔技術に関する研究人材育成(委託研究); 令和4年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Review 2023-023)
情報提供機関: JAEA
著者: 廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学
掲載日/会議開催日: 2024-03
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 レポート |
燃料デブリ取り出し時における炉内状況把握のための遠隔技術に関する研究人材育成(委託研究); 令和3年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Review 2022-032)
情報提供機関: JAEA
著者: 廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学
掲載日/会議開催日: 2022-12
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 レポート |
燃料デブリ取り出し時における炉内状況把握のための遠隔技術に関する研究人材育成(委託研究); 令和元年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Review 2020-028)
情報提供機関: JAEA
著者: 廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 東京大学
掲載日/会議開催日: 2021-01
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 レポート |
Nuclear Safety Reform Plan Progress Report (Full report) (FY2016 4th Quarter )
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Regarding "Nuclear Safety Reform Plan Progress Report (FY2016 4th Quarter)")
情報提供機関: 東京電力
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-05-10
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 レポート |
Nuclear Safety Reform Plan Progress Report (Overview) (FY2016 4th Quarter )
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Regarding "Nuclear Safety Reform Plan Progress Report (FY2016 4th Quarter)")
情報提供機関: 東京電力
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-05-10
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 プレゼンテーション |
Good Practices in Radiation Exposure Dose Reduction Measures
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPP)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-02
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 プレゼンテーション |
Good Practices in Radiation Exposure Dose Reduction Measures
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi NPP)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-02
8 |
 プレゼンテーション |
Lessons from Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident and Efforts of Nuclear Regulation Authority (Presentation by NRA Commissioner Ban at the 14th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) in Cape Town on 13 May 2016.)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Presentations)
情報提供機関: Nuclear Regulation Authority
掲載日/会議開催日: 2016-05-13
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(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Testing 2015-002)
情報提供機関: JAEA
著者: 米川 実; 岩崎 真歩; 島田 梢; 柳谷 昇子; 塚田 学; 飯塚 芳之; 金子 宗功; 吽野 俊道
掲載日/会議開催日: 2016-03
10 |
 レポート |
Evaluation of the Total Exposure Reduction Measures during Construction of the Land-side Impermeable Walls Using the Frozen Soil Method
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Good Practices in Radiation Exposure Control at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP /10 November 2015)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-11-10
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 プレゼンテーション |
Evaluation of the Total Exposure Reduction Measures during Construction of the Land-side Impermeable Walls Using the Frozen Soil Method
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Good Practices in Radiation Exposure Control at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP /10 November 2015)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-11-10
12 |
 レポート |
Activities Concerning Radiation Control for the Treatment of Accumulated Water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Good Practices in Radiation Exposure Control at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP /10 November 2015)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-11-10
13 |
 プレゼンテーション |
Activities Concerning Radiation Control for the Treatment of Accumulated Water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Good Practices in Radiation Exposure Control at the Fukushima Daiichi NPP /10 November 2015)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-11-10
14 |
 レポート |
Guidelines on Occupational Safety and Health Management at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Measures for occupational safety and health management will be enhanced at the TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant - A guideline was formulated -)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-09-26
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 規制指導書 |
Pursuant to Article 52-9, paragraph 2 of the Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards (Ministry of Labour Ordinance No. 41 of 1972), the Special Education for Exceptional Emergency Works which is set by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare shall be as follows, so as to be applied from 1 April 2016.
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Measures to prevent radiation hazards for emergency workers at nuclear facilities were formulated - Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards and related regulations were partially revised to be applied from 1 April 2016 -)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-08-31
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 規制指導書 |
Guidelines on Safety and Health Education for Those Who Are Currently Engaged in Dangerous or Harmful Operations (Extract)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Measures to prevent radiation hazards for emergency workers at nuclear facilities were formulated - Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards and related regulations were partially revised to be applied from 1 April 2016 -)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-08-31
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 規制指導書 |
Guideline on Revision of Part of the Guidelines on Safety and Health Education for Those Who Are Currently Engaged in Dangerous or Harmful Operations
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Measures to prevent radiation hazards for emergency workers at nuclear facilities were formulated - Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards and related regulations were partially revised to be applied from 1 April 2016 -)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-08-31
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 規制指導書 |
Guideline on Revision of Part of the Guidelines on Safety and Health Education for Those Who Are Currently Engaged in Dangerous or Harmful Operations
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Related Information)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-08-31
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 規制指導書 |
Special Education for Exceptional Emergency Works (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Public Notice No. 361)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Measures to prevent radiation hazards for emergency workers at nuclear facilities were formulated - Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards and related regulations were partially revised to be applied from 1 April 2016 -)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-08-31
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 規制指導書 |
Guidelines on Safety and Health Education for Those Who Are Currently Engaged in Dangerous or Harmful Operations (Extract)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Measures to prevent radiation hazards for emergency workers at nuclear facilities were formulated - Ordinance on Prevention of Ionizing Radiation Hazards and related regulations were partially revised to be applied from 1 April 2016 -)
情報提供機関: Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-08-31