検索結果一覧: 1-20 / 20
過酷炉心放射線環境における線量測定装置の開発(委託研究); 令和2年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Review 2021-043)
情報提供機関: JAEA
著者: 廃炉環境国際共同研究センター; 木更津工業高等専門学校
掲載日/会議開催日: 2022-01
過酷炉心放射線環境における線量測定装置の開発(委託研究); 令和元年度英知を結集した原子力科学技術・人材育成推進事業
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Review 2020-051)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2021-02
(Attachment 4) Status of investigation on estimating situation of cores and containment vessels (Dec 25, 2017)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: The 5th Progress Report on the Investigation and Examination of Unconfirmed and Unresolved Issues on the Development Mechanism of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident)
情報提供機関: 東京電力
掲載日/会議開催日: 2017-12-25
(Main body and Attachments of Full Report) Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3 and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression Progress Report No. 5
(Full Report and its Attachments) Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3 and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression Progress Report No. 4
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: The 4th Progress Report on the Investigation and Examination of Unconfirmed and Unresolved Issues on the Development Mechanism of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Accident)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-12-17
(Attachment 4) Status of investigation on estimating situation of cores and containment vessels (2015 Dec., 17)
Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3 and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression Progress Report No. 3
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: TEPCO reports latest findings of technical inquiry into how accident at Fukushima unfolded)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-05-20
(Attachment 4) Status of investigation on estimating situation of cores and containment vessels
福島第一原子力発電所事故に係る圧力容器/格納容器の健全性評価技術の開発; 人工海水への照射済燃料成分の溶出と炭素鋼の腐食に及ぼす影響因子の評価
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Research 2014-007)
著者: 大洗研福島技術開発特別チーム; 福島燃料材料試験部
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-06
Lessons Learned from the Fukushima Daiichi Accident and Responses in New Regulatory Requirements (Toyoshi Fuketa, Nuclear Regulation Authority)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: OECD/NEA International Conference on Global Nuclear Safety Enhancement)
情報提供機関: Nuclear Regulation Authority
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-04-28
福島技術開発試験部年報; 平成24年度
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: JAEA-Review 2013-047)
著者: 福島技術開発試験部
掲載日/会議開催日: 2014-02
Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression - Progress report No.1 - December 13, 2013
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Press releases 2014)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-12-13
Investigations concerning the estimation of core and in-containment conditions
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: First Progress Report: The Results of the Investigation and Examining on the Unidentified and Unsolved Matters of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident)
Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3 and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: First progress report: The results of the investigation and examining on the unidentified and unsolved matters of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident)
Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3 and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression - Progress Report No.1 (Summary)
Evaluation of the situation of cores and containment vessels of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Units-1 to 3 and examination into unsolved issues in the accident progression Progress Report No. 1
(Attachment 4) Investigations concerning the estimation of core and in-containment conditions
Report of Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety; The accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations; Attachment IV-1 Reactor core conditions of Units 1 to 3 of Fukushima DaiichiNuclear Power Station
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Report of Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety; The accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations)
情報提供機関: 首相官邸
掲載日/会議開催日: 2011-06-07
Report of Japanese Government to the IAEA Ministerial Conference on Nuclear Safety; The accident at TEPCO's Fukushima Nuclear Power Stations; Attachment IV-2 Abstracts of the cross check analysis on the evaluation of the cores of Unit 1, 2 and 3 of Fukkushima Dai-ichi NPP reported by TEPCO
Regarding the Evaluation of the Conditions on Reactor Cores of Unit 1, 2 and 3 related to the Accident at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Inc.
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: NISA Press Releases)
情報提供機関: 経済産業省
掲載日/会議開催日: 2011-06-06