検索結果一覧: 1-20 / 436
福島第一原子力発電所内採取試料分析データによる核種移行の検討 2 - 1号機タービン建屋採取試料によるウラン起源推定法の検討
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: 日本原子力学会2019年春の年会[2019 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan])
著者: 高畠 容子(日本原子力研究開発機構); 駒 義和 (日本原子力研究開発機構)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2019-03-21
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: 日本原子力学会2015年春の年会[2015 Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan])
著者: 室谷 浩平(東京大学); 越塚 誠一(東京大学); 永井 英一(プロメテック・ソフトウェア(株)); 藤澤 智光(プロメテック・ソフトウェア(株)); 安重 晃((株)構造計画研究所)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-03-20
Safety confirmation on the elevating equipment and catwalks in the Unit 1 turbine building at Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Safety inspection at nuclear power stations)
情報提供機関: 東京電力
掲載日/会議開催日: 2015-01-22
Reconfirmation of the security using safety belts in the elevated area of the Unit 1 turbine building at Kashiwazaki Kariwa Nuclear Power Station
Results of the water analysis at the lower permeable layer (between Units 3 and 4 sea side) on the east (sea side) of the turbine buildings
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Handouts at press conference)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-12-20
Paddle found at the large carry-in entrance (inside the building) on the first floor of Unit 2 turbine building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (first issue, the follow-up information 1 and 2)
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Fukushima Daiichi NPS Prompt Report 2013)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-12-18
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 80)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-12-17
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 79)
Visual inspection by third-party intellectual at a turbine building
(上位階層ページタイトル/会議名: Results of the seventh soundness inspection for unit 4 reactor building at Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-12-13
Operation of a leakage detector for a seawater pipe trench purification system on the sea-side of Unit 3 turbine building in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-11-26
Operation of a leakage detector for a seawater pipe trench purification system on the sea-side of Unit 3 turbine building in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station.
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 68)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-11-17
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 59)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-10-10
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 57)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-29
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 56)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-27
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 55)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-26
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 54)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-21
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 53)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-20
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 52)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-14
Tritium density result of water quality survey inside the port of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (follow-up information 51)
掲載日/会議開催日: 2013-09-13