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TitleProposition of Cs free mineralization for decontamination and reuse of contaminated soil in Fukushima 2 - Mechanism of Cs removal processes from weathered biotite by heating treatment with NaCl-CaCl2 mixed salt revealed by in situ Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) analysis.
Alternative title福島における汚染土壌の除染と再利用を目指したセシウムフリー鉱化法 2 - その場観察広域X線吸収微細構造(EXAFS)分析を用いた混合塩(NaCl-CaCl2)添加および加熱処理によるCs収着風化黒雲母からのCs除去過程の解明
AuthorHonda, Mitsunori(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorOkamoto, Yoshihiro(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorShimoyama, Iwao(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorShiwaku, Hideaki(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorSuzuki, Shinichi(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
AuthorYaita, Tsuyoshi(Japan Atomic Energy Agency)
Issued date2016-09-08
File FormatTEXT (paper-based)
Taxonomy6-2-1 Decontamination
Taxonomy6-2-3-4 Volume reduction
Taxonomy6-1-4-1 Tools for accident consequences analysis
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-2 Environment restoration   6-2-3 Waste management   6-1-4 R&D in environmental protection and restoration   
Subject/Session_nameSession:FDNPP Accident: Environmental Radioactivity
Information sourceGo to external webpage
Meeting title2016 Fall Annual Meeting of the Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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collect date(WARP)2017-11-01