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TitleResults of the public opinion surveys about nuclear energy (2006-2016) 1 - survey result in 2016 and analysis of secular changes of awareness concerning
Alternative title原子力利用に関する世論調査(2006~2016年度) 1 - 2016年度調査と経年変化分析の結果
AuthorIimoto, Takeshi(Tokyo Univ.)
AuthorSakai, Noriaki(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
AuthorKawasaki, Yumiko(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
AuthorFunakoshi, Makoto(Japan Atomic Energy Relations Organization)
AuthorTomiyama, Masayuki(Okachimachi-Taito Junior High School)
AuthorTakashima, Ryuta(Tokyo Uni. of Science)
AuthorKimura, Hiroshi(Public Outreach, NPO)
AuthorKawakami, Kazuhisa(International Univ. of Health and Welfare)
Issued date2017-09-13
File FormatPDF
Taxonomy6-4-5 Social effects
Taxonomy4-4-3-4 Stakeholder involvement
Taxonomy(Computer Assigned)6-4 Social and economic consequences   4-4-3 Transition to long term recovery   
Subject/Session_nameSession: General Issues
Information sourceGo to external webpage
Meeting title2017 Fall Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan
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